Incredible footage has emerged which shows an Indian teenager who was born with his heart outside of his ribcage, and the organ can be seen beating underneath a thin layer of skin. Now 18-years-old, Arpit Gohil has been hailed as a “medical miracle” by doctors, who didn’t think he would survive after he was born with the extremely rare condition ‘ectopia cordis’. The genetic defect, also known as Pentalogy of Cantrell, causes babies to be born with vital organs on the outside of their bodies. Because of the defect, Arpit’s heart is not protected by the chest wall and is located slightly above the stomach and just below the rib cage, causing his heart to beat on the outside of his chest. Arpit is one of just 165 people known to have the condition, and it probably doesn’t feel like much of a miracle to the poor lad given that a slight fall or bump could kill him instantly. With that kind of prognosis, we’d be safely holed up indoors wrapped in copious amounts of cotton ...