Internet comedian, Adam Saleh, shared the footage of the heated confrontation on a Delta flight after other passengers reportedly became 'uncomfortable'. Saleh tweeted the clip saying: "We got kicked out of a @Delta airplane because I spoke Arabic to my mom on the phone and with my friend slim... WTFFFFFFFF please spread." We got kicked out of a @Delta airplane because I spoke Arabic to my mom on the phone and with my friend slim... WTFFFFFFFF please spread — Adam Saleh (@omgAdamSaleh) December 21, 2016 The footage opens up with Saleh speaking to camera in the plane aisle while appearing to be ushered out. In the video, He says: " Guys we spoke a different language on the plane and now we are getting kicked out. Now we are getting kicked out. We are getting kicked out because we spoke a different language. This is 2016... 2016!" Later in the clip Saleh suggests that other passengers complained to staff beca...